Well, as some of you most likely know, (and others can most likely tell from the title) Magic RPG is an RPG game. However, it is an RPG game with not just one, two, or three twists, but tons of twists.

The game is planned to feature a unique "Butterfly Effect" in which one single, small action can make the biggest of differences, anywhere in the game world. A single killing of the wrong person might cause a large war, or assassins to be hired to kill you. The game world will be a hard place to survive in, but when you finally do accomplish something, it makes it all that much more satisfying.

Career paths will be very dynamic, and while you can switch careers at any time, if you attempt to return to the career, you may not be able to get the same position, as the game will feature a "You don't use it, you lose it" look at abilities, just like real life. You will never fully lose a skill, but over time, the skill will drop by a certain limit of points. This doesn't go for just careers, but also for weaponry, magic, and your characters stamina.

A great influence on the game will be families. The game progresses in "generations" in which your character grows old. When your character dies, whether from age, disease, or in battle, if you do not have an heir, your game will end. There are several ways to acquire an heir, some of which are:
-Having a child with your family

There are some obvious problems with Adoption and Kidnapping, some of which relate only to specific career lines, like if you became a king of a kingdom, a kidnapped/adopted child cannot take your place as king.

If you just want to sit around and live a second life, you can. Tragedies will occur, and your character may become depressed, or you might be fired from your job, or your business you opened might even fall apart. If a non-action filled game isn't your idea of a fun time, though, you can do a vast majority of other things, including, but not limited to:
You could be a...
  • Soldier
  • Diplomat
  • Spy
  • Assassin
  • King
  • Jester
  • Royal Guard
  • Trader
  • Chef
  • Blacksmith

And on top of all that, you can join guilds, clans, and other types of groups, for example a Thieves Guild or a Dwarven Clan (given that you are a Dwarf ).

You can choose from many different races, and can cross between any of the other races. (The list is not definite yet, so I will not put it here)

Theres a vast majority of other things going into this game, which are just too much to list in this single post, so I will link you to the various other posts I have made across the web.


And for those interested, I have the early Design Documents:

Public Document

Top-Level Documents

So please give me your opinions on the game, and tell me what you think. If you like it, tell me what you like, if you don't, tell me what you don't like.

Also, please comment on the design documents, as this is my first attempt at writing Design Documents.[/list]