Superboy, I'm gonna recommend a book for you.

I got this years ago and it was an excellent reference when I was first making Windows Applications under Delphi.

'Delphi 3 SuperBible' by Paul Thurrott, Gary Brent, Richard Bagdazian & Steve Tendon -- Waite Group Press (ISBN 1-57169-027-1)

Now, I'm VERY sure that there is a newer version of this book. Possibly a 'Delphi SuperBible', but in any case this this is packed with the entire VCL as of Delphi 3, including every property, mehtod and onevent handler for every object.

It sold for $54.99 USD back in 1997... you might be able to get a used copy for less now.

Another one that might help is 'Mastering Delphi 7' or a whole bunch of others... Besicailly you want a reference to the VCL object model.