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Thread: unDelphiX 1.07 released now

  1. #41

    unDelphiX 1.07 released now

    links is not working....

  2. #42

    unDelphiX 1.07 released now

    Working it, try it again please.

  3. #43

    unDelphiX 1.07 released now

    Hi ijcro,
    There were a couple of DelphiX questions posted a few days ago, if you have a moment, can you possibly share some of your DelphiX knowledge with these newer users of DelphiX?
    <br /><br />There are a lot of people who are dead while they are still alive. I want to be alive until the day I die.<br />-= Paulo Coelho =-

  4. #44

    unDelphiX 1.07 released now

    I think that the site like Turbo is missing there.
    When you want establish a new site hosting, I'm not going to opposite.
    But unDelphiX has new home on my page now, and here is very good forum. An here can be save last version of unDelphiX too, what do you know?

    Every day many forums begins a and they have the same problem. The content spray to piece of community problems and forums die down by time. It is fine to help beginners, but for many from them is only start to other work. And for other is it answerer only. It is to small. Why anybody too few write about their suggestions, experience or solutions?

    I think, that good tutorials are missing at one the place. Is place here good for uploading any documentation, tutorials or FAQs ?

    I have a plan for grow unDelphiX, but I see the limits there. I have to look my daily bread, and my work for any community is its bordered. My primary job is other.

    Anybody can write me, what they want in new version or they send me snippet of our code for new function or functionality. Or else without users mirrot unDelphiX no grow, vegetablize only.

    And when is error detected, very help me little demo for illustration this.

    Eh, sorry for long text...

  5. #45
    Co-Founder / PGD Elder WILL's Avatar
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    unDelphiX 1.07 released now

    The new UnDelphiX [size=9px](PGD hosted)[/size] site was put on the back burner due to the PGD Annual and my busy schedule, but if you would like I can see about continuing this effort in a few weeks or so...

    The main issue is bandwidth. If you open a sourceforge project and host it there we can of course host the more presentational side of the site.

    We [size=9px](Dom and myself)[/size] where also looking at doing this for JEDI-SDL (under the PGD umbrella) as the JEDI site is quite neglected and the project already managed by sourceforge.
    Jason McMillen
    Pascal Game Development

  6. #46

    unDelphiX 1.07 released now

    Anyone got any clue why I get flickering with the last 2 main versions of undelphix? The sprite flicers once at start of the animation....

    does not happen in original delphix. Ask and I provide example?

  7. #47

    unDelphiX 1.07 released now

    Can you send me a simple example (source) illustrate this problem? Thank you

  8. #48

    unDelphiX 1.07 released now

    I corrected it some time ago, if i remember well it should be
    something like:

    [pascal]function TImageSprite.GetDrawImageIndex: integer;
    Result := FAnimStart + Trunc(FAnimPos);

    that should be

    [pascal]function TImageSprite.GetDrawImageIndex: integer;
    Result := FAnimStart + Round(FAnimPos);

    or vice versa...

    anyway is the algo that calc the position of the frame to draw, sure about
    <br />Federico &quot;FNX&quot; Nisoli
    <br />Lead Programmer - FNX Games
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  9. #49

    unDelphiX 1.07 released now

    Current version of DXSprite unit use Round() function.
    What version you have on your mind?

  10. #50

    unDelphiX 1.07 released now

    i just picked up an old delphix version that i had on my laptop just to
    tell you where to search for the solution.

    As i said the above example could be inverted... Anyway i was just sure
    that sprites flicker in a "some months ago" version because the procedure
    to calc what frame to draw was wrong. to have an idea just do this:

    -create a simple sprite movement routine, with a very low timer
    -show offscreen the animpos changing during time

    so you can see that the frames are not drawn for the same amount of
    time, obviously coded with costant fps.

    I did it some months ago for a game because i changed my pc twice and
    i had to port it from Dx to uDx.

    If i have time i'll provide the example i'm speaking about
    <br />Federico &quot;FNX&quot; Nisoli
    <br />Lead Programmer - FNX Games
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