Ok this might be a bad question or good question rigth now I'm to drunk (half a bottle of Gin, or something) to know.

What is the difference between:

TMyClass = class
SomeInt: Integer;
SomeStr: String:
procedure DoSomething;


TMyObject = object
SomeInt: Integer;
SomeStr: String;
procedure DoSomething;

I've always used the above and it's just now I've come across the other in an example I downloaded. Is there any significant difference or what?

I probably won't use "object" in many of the programs I'll make but I thought that it might be nice to know the difference between these anyway. (Plus the alternative of asking you guys were to go to sleep and try to drink water in order to not get a hangover tomorrow. Aren't you happy that I came here and shared my thoughts :roll: )