Same to me...

I am doing my latest projects with Asphyre eXtreme and so I am posting my "problems" and offer my help on, because the Aspyhre thread on this site died some months ago. We still have the thread here, but no one posts in it. So why should I when I reach Asphyre users (the ones who can help me and the ones I can help) on

And last but not least. I was busy with tanx the last few months. Atm I am busy doing a little game for my job which can be played by telephone (imagine those gameshows where you can call and play a game on TV with your fixed net telephone). It's a little soccer game with bears and hippos playing against each other. But again, I am using Asphyre to develop the prototype. And I can hardly believe that there are much people here who can help me with it (actually I didn't need any help with it yet). Maybe I post some screenshots here when it's development state proceeds. But I think I don't help anyone with this

But maybe this could open a thread about simple ball physics or something like this. Lets wait and see.


Forgot to justify my LURKING ^^
I am still waiting on any response to stage 6 compo entrys. So thats why I am lurking here, using every free minute to take a look at the results, but nothing happens there... So stay tuned to see me lurking further on :lol: