Quote Originally Posted by Huehnerschaender
I am the only one without any comments.
Is this ok or is there something missing?
oops, must have missed the click on "update"...

I recon not having comments is a good thing Smile
If you have comments it meens something is wrong.
Comments in Stage 6 were for nitpicking/bugs/annoyances, to keep them out of the "final" game comments, so no comments = no bugs...'till I enter something in there

Eric also mentions very small issues like a missing sound on something or a little flicker on screen when objects collide.
I usually list all the things that draw my attention, up to the point when the text becomes too long (which can mean many small things, or something that takes more words to explain), so as not end up with comments length too strikingly long between entries. Not a perfect way to balance things by far... but food for thought for next challenge's approach to commenting

I know its only 2.5 points, but I'd like to ask why we didn't get the points for the ending sequence, since you get Level Complete messages and when you get to the end of the third level you get a Game Complete message.
Just curious?
The readme didn't mention it, and since not much was moving anymore, I assumed it was more a last demo than anything else, and my exploration was limited to covering up all I could of the map and I missed the exit (didn't search for one) (btw, the level designer as such an habit of hiding stuff behind buildings, that it becomes the #1 spot to look when searching for items )

>As for the load times... the problem is that it loads the entire media >collection for the whole game in a single hit

There may be some extra processing involved in there, as there isn't that much media (compared to other tile-based 2D engines).