Quote Originally Posted by idee_fixe
Funny how the first suggestion is all about war.
Well all games have conflict in them. Something to solve or work through. Thats what creates the personal intrigue and accomplishing feeling at the end that brings them back. And whats a greater conflict than a war?

Quote Originally Posted by idee_fixe
Having recently watched the Da Vinci Code, I'm thinking of some kind of mystery where you go around following clues and uncovering a conspiracy of some kind regarding a secret society or maybe a more contemporary spin would be like a terrorist cell.
That would require detailed story telling so be prepared for some serious writting if you go that route.

Quote Originally Posted by idee_fixe
Oh, how about something like Munich (the movie) - you play an assassin hunting down members of a society/terror group/government, whatever, and you have to track them down and kill them.

This group that you are tracking down could have strong ties to a local economy (like mobsters or politicians), and also you can be paid in cash that you have to spend on weapons and gear.
I know it might be a bit faupa to bring MMO into this conversation, but I'd love to play a nice open-ended version of a game like Hitman. That game was fun. You had to be so exact and detailed taking down your targets. Made you really feel like a ...hitman!

I put together an 'idea' for a game myself once where you would have specific trade skills and you would go from bar/club/etc taking 'contracts' (not just on people, but sometimes delivering a package, retriving an object or some kind of mercinary, bounty hunter, hitman or professional theif jobs). And as you grew in skills you would take on harder jobs. And if you player online you'd eventually be able to take contracts on other real live players and you yourself would have to avoid getting notice by athorities or there would be contracts out on you too!

Sort of like a cloak and dagger MMO that takes on a Second Life type reality to it. The game world would go through different country leaders, chiefs of police & mayors in cities and goviners in states, special agents and agency top brass, etc, etc... Of course noone should actually try to take anyone down in real life. :? Thats just disturbing...

Well don't mind all my ideas. I'm a big fan of games like Beneth A Steel Sky, Shadowrun (for Sega Genesis!), Deus Ex... you know all those cyberpunk type games.