Currently, I have a grid with the player being drawn on with movement at about 110fps standing still and 60-70fps moving. What I was wanting to do was to make it like my last effort and re-create the player porting which I could do with the component based version. I created a procedure which I could call when the player stepped into a tile causing him to be ported to another tile reference. Currently it looks like this...

[pascal]procedure DoMove (XRef, YRef : Integer);
for RowCount := 1 to 256 do
for ColCount := 1 to 256 do
if XRef < PlayerX then
Sprite[RowCount.ColCount].X := Sprite[RowCount,ColCount].X -
(PlayerX * XRef);

This seems to port me in the wrong place

This maybe wrong as I am in a rush and it is only for one of the XReferences and if statements... If you dont understand it... Dont worry about it... I will post again later