Well if you are not offeriong source, then don't worry about it!

For releasing source with it, I always opt for the 'Do What You Want' clause. Coupled with the 'Give Me Credit And You're A Cool Guy/Chick' seal of approval. :lol:

but for you, it will depend on your 'care level'. If someone uses it to make a game of their own at any level do you want a cut? Are you just releasing the source to be a nice guy or are you on a mission? Totally up to you. You don't really need a standard licence though. Before all this GPL, LGPL, Mozilla GPL, MyBestFriend'sMom'sCousin'sNanny'sPaperboy's GPL business people just wrote what they wanted into the documentation of their software's package. In Canada you pretty much make it official by putting your name/company beside a © symbol and a date(usually only the year).

It's really quite that simple over here. Not so sure about in all the other places though.