I don't think I've recommended it yet in this thread, personally I feel that if you are really interested in AI for games you should get...

'AI for Game Developers' by David M. Bourg & Glenn Seemann published by O'Reilly -- ISBN 10: 0-596-00555-5

I bought a copy myself and I think it's an awesome book. Has everything from Finite State Machines, Path Finding methods [size=9px](incl. a GREAT chapter on just A* alone!)[/size] to Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic. It's amazing if you're starting out and really handy as a reference you can come back to later on too.

Chesso: That's all indeed AI. There are 2 types of AI; 1) Weak/Soft AI, which is all the neat simulatory stuff you've seen in the games you play and then there is 2) Strong AI, which is the real freaky stuff that you seen in sci-fi movies and bleeding-edge robotics research and development only just these days. [size=9px](Mostly theoretical & trial and error stuff though as we've only begun cracking the surface of this.)[/size]