Is this engine capable of being used in a game as it is right now? I'm thinking of using it, as it seems to be a pretty good engine.

Basically, what I need:

Collisions : Pokemon (Gameboy.. Pokemon Red/Blue) style... When 2 people walk into each other, they will be in a battle.

Movement: Pokemon (Gameboy.. Pokemon Red/Blue) style...

Graphics: Pokemon (Gameboy.. Pokemon Red/Blue) style...

Basically everything is going to be Pokemon style. I'm going to make an RPG game, both single-player and online multiplayer (online mp will be an MMORPG game) using all pokemon style stuff. But the game will be slightly more complex than that, as you will be able to build your own towns and etc in certain regions (even on the MMORPG part) and wars, kingdom building, economy will be a big part of the game. Fighting will be common place, and the leveling up will be mostly realistic, as in the more you use certain things, the more you level them up. In fighting, strategy, stealth, and technique will all be necessary to win... Weapon styles will be sword, bows, daggers, javelins, magic, etc. Almost everything available in single player will be available in multiplayer, and when your character dies, your control passes on to the next available family member. Age limits your capabilities (but no worries, while you are online, your character grows quickly, while offline slowly) and you will gain inheritances when you go to the next person. Families will be a big part of the game, aswell...

Also, would like to say, on FreePascal 2.0.4, in file phxlogger.pas, on line 157, you had:
{$ifdef fpc} inline; {/ifdef}

This provides an error while attempting to compile the sprites demo.

Also, I'm having difficulties compiling after removing the 'inline' call:
First compilation of c:\projects\pheonix\demo\sprites\main.pas
phxScreen.pas&#40;454,47&#41; Error&#58; Incompatible type for arg no. 1&#58; Got "<address>", expected "<procedure>"
phxScreen.pas&#40;455,46&#41; Error&#58; Incompatible type for arg no. 1&#58; Got "<address>", expected "<procedure>"
phxScreen.pas&#40;521,42&#41; Error&#58; range check error while evaluating constants
phxScreen.pas&#40;593&#41; Fatal&#58; There were 3 errors compiling module, stopping
phxScreen.pas&#40;33,15&#41; Fatal&#58; Compilation aborted