If you're able to, chat to your local Borland person. We were lucky enough to be able to get an upgrade, even though we couldn't prove we had old versions (Delphi 3 and 4). I would think that they wouldn't mind too much upgrading your student edition to a full one for the normal upgrade price.

As far as a "standard edition" Delphi = C++ Builder = Borland Development Studio now. The updates for Delphi are for Borland Development Studio.

The other thing to check if you're looking for it, even if you're an individual (such as me) and not a company, you're still able to get software assurance (or upgrade protection). It's cheaper than the upgrade price. Admittidly it's a lot to pay for up front, but it saves you money in the long run. That being said, I'm not sure what the new DevCo's going to be doing about it.