Deep Six is a WWII style multiplayer only naval combat game based on the original IRON WOLVES game of some years ago. It takes place in a fictional world where Northland and Westland Navies vie for control of the seas (and Slippery Sam's Tavern).

This is a hobby project of mine being developed in Delphi utilizing the DMX ( engine for rendering, a proprietary interface for the Cybernet Openskies engine for networking, OpenAL, and DelphiODE.

The art style is designed after the 1940's era war comics. I am at a first Alpha stage - players can join and drive around (sorry, on the intranet only), 12 island groups are available, no weapons yet, some control interfaces etc. There is still quite a way to go, but I thought it was worth announcing.

I have been using Delphi since version 1.0. Delphi was also heavily used in the creation of concept sketches and proofs, and development tools while I was at Tesseraction Games.

The ALPHA website is at

