hey Dom. Do you want me to post resend my JEDI-SDL sdlutils.pas modifications to you? You remember the extra drawing functions and speed improvements to existing ones.

Had some cool stuff like DrawCircle, DrawRect, with Fill and Alpha options. I could fix em up a bit and make them a little nicer convention-wise too if you want. (they were sort of first drafts afterall)

The only (contraversal?) addition that was not directly related to the drawing functions was the addition of a trig pre-calculation table. Used mostly for the quicker DrawRotate/DrawRotateAlpha functions. Some potential users might find this to be a bit of an unwanted extra as they will have their own stuff sometimes. Others might like it because of it's speed. But then it questions weither or not it belongs in the sdlutils unit.

Let me know what you feel about this. I'll try to help in whatever way I can. I think thee extra draw routines at the least will be of benifit to those that would like to use them.