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Thread: How can I get the current matrix in OpenGL ?

  1. #1

    How can I get the current matrix in OpenGL ?

    I am a *bit* new to OpenGL and would like to know how I can get the current matrix (after a series of rotations and translations) and put it in an array(or variable). NOTE : I use FreePASCAL. Thanks in advance for your answers.


  2. #2

    How can I get the current matrix in OpenGL ?

    You can use glGetFloatv function.

    First parameter defines which matrix you want to get (GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX or GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX).
    Second parameter is 4x4 matrix that will be filled with data.

  3. #3

    How can I get the current matrix in OpenGL ?

    Thank you very much, Srki_82 !



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