Hello, all. Newbie here, been playing with Delphi off and on for years, have a project in mind and all too much time :cry: to do it in.
I want to clone the original Civilization, or rather something between that and the old Empire games.
I've already decided on the PowerDraw library, DirectX being fast enough to make even Nooby code look good.
One difference is that I'm going to use a Hex tiled map instead of squares. I know many wargamers and they're pretty well in agreement that this is much more realistic - no cutting diagonals to get 40% more speed out of your units.
I don't want to concentrate on the resource allocation too much, at least at first, instead making this a strategy-heavy game.

One early question. Does anyone have any preference for point-up versus point-sideways orientation? And why? I can't really decide and this is pretty basic - though I'm currently coding one, tell my your favorite.

Help I'll need later will include pathfinding for enemy units, some kind of AI, and advice on how to implement multiplayer (since I don't think my AI will be very challenging).
