Im writing my first game in Delphi (with DelphiX). I have some experience with Pascal, and delphi. The game is tile based, and the images are stored in TDXImageList. I am animating each tile, simply by incrementing a FRAME variable, used when calling Tile.items[whatever].draw(...,FRAME);

This is working fine, however, the graphics have to be put into the ImageList at designtime. By looking through previous posts, I have managed to put together some additional features, that allow the addition of BMP files to the Imagelist (Thanks everyone).
The problem I am having now is with TImage. I want the user to be able to load 6 BMP files, into 6 TImages, then press a button, and those six images, get turned into one image, and stored into my ImageList. I can get my 6 images into their TImage, and i can save a TImage to the imagelist, however, I cannot get 6 images to go onto one TImage. I have tried the copyrect command, I have tried doing a pixel to pixel copy, i have tried drawing my six images to a surface, but was unable to get them into the image list. I have spent the whold day on this, trying every possible way i can think of, but none works. I keep getting the error that the image does not contain a bitmap. Or the TImage on the form used to display the image goes blank, or an error regarding surfaces. Unfortunatly I have been angrily overwriting the code in question, so i dont have all the variations of my code. The ideal way i can see would be to to use the old copyrect, but that only left me with a blank TImage on the form.

Hope someone can Help!!