Count me in... hell I could at least make some gfx, write a story or two, or create data for items/weapons/whatever...

Something small, maybe, a mini-me (with Dr.Evil's finger-to-mouth-move)Diablo clone?

Or it could be a RPG placed in the future,... in an ISOMETRIC enviroment? Isometric games look goood... (

Or something bigger, maybe X-COM style, using a currently hot topic... like terrorists?

Or underwater with some underwater-underground bio/mech/physics research buildings, living quarters, storage facilities, training facilities for characters, and beautiful sphere shaped alge growing places, used to make O2 to sell to the surface population (The overwater surface of the planet being ravaged by BUSH's plans to dominate the world [just to make some flames start, :twisted: ]) with a main character (Fallout Tactics like characteristics), and others, too, researching and manufacturing some cool mission-oriented subs and technology, destined to explore the depths of the world, finding Atlantis, and, naturally, the long forgotten alien base from UFO 2

Yup, let's make a game... =) It'll take us just, what, 2 years? It's doable.

And if we fail, at least the time wasted will be divided between all of us. If we succeed, we'll buy Microsoft... =)