Just to clear this off my mind, i really want to promote LUA scripting. I may be seeking ways to use it in pascal games in the future, because it has huge potential and the language is easy and feature rich. There exist many games already that use Lua, and gives players ways to add modded content. But it's not only mods i'm interested about, it's when i think about designing a UI using OpenGL graphics, i can't use Lazarus to draw it like TForm and components. I would be able to make editor that uses Lua scripts to access an API that implements features in the program that UI is allowed to use.

Now if you are completely new to the language, i would mainly direct you to Google, but i can give few examples. Here is 1 script i wrote to Minecraft mod, which lets me program kind of bots that do things like mining for me. It's almost like modding a mod
As you may see the syntax is very pascal-like. With exception that all blocks are multiline and are finished with "end". No ";" are used to finish lines, and variables are not needed to initialize or even have types. So some simple scripts could be:

To print numbers from 2 to 10:
for i = 2, 10 do
And, although not recommended but possible by language, changing variable type on the fly:
i = 10
i = "Number is "..i
Would print "Number is 10".

But in application, we could make API like UI, and call it like "panel = ui.createPanel()" and so on, giving access to the pascal executable. If we can reduce some of the complicated program logic to this kind of simple scripts, we don't always need to compile the whole program to see major changes in it, if only the script is modified. More people knows how to work with scripts, than specific language source code, so it would also encourage more people joining on projects.