Instant messaging may be a problem because of the big time difference between Jamaica and Austria. I am at GMT+1/+2.

Which Pascal compiler do you use (I am using Delphi 7 Pro)? The TServerSocket and TClientSocket use TCP as transport protocol. Do you need additional features in your Client/Server or only "still alive" and status messages? If the later is true, I would suggest to use UDP, preferable the Indy UDP components, because they are very easy to use.

I don't use TTCPClient and TTCPServer and therefore I do not know the differences to TServerSocket and TClientSocket.

In your first source-code example you are using the TClientSocket with the Read event.
procedure TForm1.CSOCK1Read(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket); 

  i : integer;
  AMessage : string;
  MoreMessage : Boolean; 

  // If a message (one Socket.SendText() was split into multiple parts, you need more 
  // than one read event, to process messages
  // VSOCKR2 must be "global", you may define it in TForm1 (private)
  // instead of : VSOCKR2 := Socket.ReceiveText; 
  VSOCKR2 := VSOCKR2 + Socket.ReceiveText;

  //Because it is possible to receive more than one message
  //in one Read event all data in the VSOCKR2 must be parsed
  //Therefore it is important to define a message-structure
  //We define it this way: CR is our message seperator
  // <AnyTextWithoutTheCRChar>+CR &#40;CR  = #13&#41;
  //Because of our definition, it is not allowed to send messages
  //with a CR &#40;Carriage Return&#41; in the message text itself
     MoreMessages &#58;= false

     //Search for the first message seperator
     for i &#58;=1 to length&#40;VSOCKR2&#41; do
        //message seperator at position i?
        if VSOCKR2&#91;i&#93;=#13 then
          //Copy the message from the buffer
          AMessage &#58;= Copy&#40;VSOCKR2,1,i-1&#41;;
          //Delete the message from the buffer, including the CR
          //reenable timer to send a new request to the server
          SVATT1.Enabled &#58;= true;

          //if there is still some data in the VSOCKR2 buffer
          //we have to check for another message
          if VSOCKR2<>'' then                   

          //Perform some work with AMessage like&#58;
          if AMessage = 'Response&#58; Server received text.' then
            MSCOUNT2 &#58;= MSCOUNT2 + 1; 
            LBMSCOUNT2.Caption &#58;= IntToStr&#40;MSCOUNT2&#41;; 
          //onPing return the PING to the sender. We must not
          //forget the CR as the message seperator
          if AMessage = 'PING' then Socket.SendText&#40;AMessage+#13&#41;;


  until not MoreMessages;


//The Timer
procedure TForm1.SVATT1Timer&#40;Sender&#58; TObject&#41;; 
  //Send request to server with the message-seperator
  if CSOCK1.Socket.Connected = true then
    CSOCK1.Socket.SendText&#40;'Testing server...'+#13&#41;; 

  //disable Timer
The changes in the Client's read event apply also to the Server's read event and all Servers "Socket.SendText()" must be completed with the CR message seperator.

I can also provide an example of using the indy UDP components, if you want.