Hi, it's me

I think noone can forbid us to show screenshots of our entry, so I'll post some here. This way the community can get an impression of what we did the last weeks.

The engine changed A LOT since PGD entry TANX. We had so many ideas... we were able to add many of them, some ideas needed to be left for post IGF times.

Friendly units fight at your side. A scripted dialog system lets the player get the feeling the units are talking to him. Also cinematic like cutscenes are possible. A lot of game switches were added, which let units create ingame (eg for ambush scenes), destroy specific units on command and much much more. WILL needed this stuff to create his mission design, and he did very well! I had never been able to make such missions with my own editor *lol* He is very creative! We had only so few objects and buildings, but he managed to let every mission has it's own feeling and look. Great work WILL!

Here are some examples of ingame scenes:

- 3 friendly units help you taking over the radar pole in mission 1 -

Misisons partially take place in desert. I made some new graphics for this task.

- Taking out air bases can be fun, especially when you have to shoot much planes and helos -

- the new "smoke engine" in action: here after taking out some planes in an air base -

- one of the new features: gain air support points and drop colored smoke flares for specific support types. In this screen you ordered a friendly tank which is just "arriving" - A parachute will bring it safe to the ground -

Ok, thats it for now.
