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Thread: Object Oriented programin (step one of many)

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  1. #1
    PGDCE Developer Carver413's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    it is generally better to use a case statement for TDirection to prevent more then one block of code from executing in a single pass.
    also you should build a table of directions in a counter clock list either 4 or 8 directions. now there is no up or down only left or right foward or back.
    use an index var to set the direction add to location to move forward, subtract to move back. change index var to turn left or right.
    now you can move the monster in the same direction until it hits a wall then chose to go left or right.
    this is a link for a hex map there is some good stuff in there that could help you in your own design

  2. #2

    thank you for trying, but that confuses me only, and it is not the question I've asked...
    the Monster is moving inside the "labyrinth" automatically...

    my problem is the grid based collision is only working correctly if I move from grid to grid... if I move smoothly it does not
    example :

    wall is (pixels)
    0,0 - 31,31 (wall)
    32,32 - 63,63 (air)

    according to my logic the top,left corner of the monster square enters 63,63 , then it is divided down to array position of 1,1
    logic checks 1,1 top tile free or not ? -1 = wall! ( is correct... )
    movement stops at 63,63 because we hit wall...

    what I would like to solve is it should result in 1,1 if I get all the way down to 32,32 .... if it would div by 32 here now
    check for wall... and turn in another possible direction I would have "perfect" collision....


    ps.: when I get back to work... I'll think about this a bit more, problem is there are many tutorials online, but most of em not work, or are
    way to complicated to grasp... I for starters don't need a fully fledged platform game sample which is beyond my comprehension for now

  3. #3

    After reading a few tile based collision detection tutorials with smooth scrolling enabled...I realized , that I need to check collisions based on direction I'm traveling in ( this might not work if I go both X,Y at same time, but for now I don't really care, one step at a time and not get overwhelmed)

    So right now I kinda hacked my own code... which is ugly
    procedure TMain.DrawMonster;
    var i : integer;
      // re-draw monster at new position
      for i := 0 to length(Monster)-1 do
    //      AI[i].Top:=Monster[i].StartY*(Panel2.Height div 15);
    //      AI[i].Left:=Monster[i].StartX*(Panel2.Width div 20);
          if (Monster[i].SetDir = dDown) or (Monster[i].SetDir = DRight) then
              Monster[i].PositionY:=AI[i].Top div (Panel2.Height div 15);
              Monster[i].PositionX:=AI[i].Left div (panel2.Width div 20);
          if (Monster[i].SetDir = dUp) or (Monster[i].SetDir = DLeft) then
              Monster[i].PositionY:=(AI[i].Top+(AI[i].Height-1)) div (Panel2.Height div 15);
              Monster[i].PositionX:=(AI[i].Left+(AI[i].Width-1)) div (panel2.Width div 20);
    My mistake up till now, and with all my previous attempts as well was this
    when I calculated bottom and right side I simply did LEFT+WIDTH or TOP+WIDTH...which
    in the case of a 32x32 tile
    which has top,left 1,1
    resulted in a bottom,right 33,33 I know it seems so stupid now, but somehow I did not see it...

    that Is why now I add to left and top , height-1 and I
    get 1,1 and 32,32...

    I tried it and it works...on the far right corner of the level there is no perfect touch on my monitor 1920x1080, but that is probably because (or 99% sure) my tile sizes are not n2...

    so I guess I did It...this will work nicely at 640x480 with 32x32 tiles...

    I'll modify my class in the upcoming handle this calculation inside it...and not like this


  4. #4
    I would suggest that you start unsig node based approach whend dealing with movment or pathfinding. Nodes are placed in the center of your map cells. Each node contains information about to which other node you can travel from it and movment cost for such movment.
    You also handle your units position based on ther center position instead of their TopLeft corner.
    So when you are moving your units from one point to another you are simply moving their center position from one map node to another.

    - since you store posible movment in node connections you no longer need to always go and check all nearby tiles to figure out if you can move there or not
    - becouse you store each posible movment (node connections) for each node you can easily implement one way movment (moving from node A to node B is posible, but moving from node B to anode A is not posible)
    - you can have node connection between any two nodes. This alows you to implement things like portals with ease.
    - each node connection also stores the movment cost/movment speed so you can easily implement the ability to move faster when going downhill vercus goung uphill.
    - most popular pathfinding algorithms bases on node systems so you are already one step closer in implementing any of them.
    - by storing aditional value to each node you can easily determine whether a multitile sized unit can move to that tile or not (

    - you need to generate and store node graph which could take some time and increases memory consumption
    - if using dynamic map loading (chunk based maps) you need to also dynamically update this node graph upon loading and unloading of each chunk.

    If you want I can make you a quick and dirty example of this but you will have to wait athleast till tomorow as I need to go to bed now in order to wake up early enough to go to work tomorow.


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