Quote Originally Posted by niketas View Post
Why Pascal? Because programs in Pascal are usually efficient (memory usage, speed, etc) in comparative level as C/C++ and less bug prone than C/C++.
Well I believe you are the first C++ programmer I have seen to claim that. Usually it is the opposite especially regarding the performance.
Any way my experience taught me that the language is not so important but rather how it is used by the programmer. So if you are using right programming approaches you can make memory efficient well performed and bugles program in any programming language. Same as you can make shitty program in any language if you are using bad programming approaches.
Having sad that you probably won't gain much in form of final memory efficiency or game performance if making your game in Pascal.
But you could get some benefit of using Pascal and that is mainly faster compile times. I guess I don't have to tell you how fast compile times can be useful when you don't have to wait several minutes just because of small code change.
I think that faster compile times are the main advantage of Pascal in comparison to C++. And these are achieved by compiling and storing every unit in a way that it can be simply linked to the final program. So when you make a small change to the source code only the units in which code was changed needs to be recompiled. Of course if you will have lots of small units linking all of them into final program could still be a lengthy process. You can combat that by joining multiple units into packages so that only that specific packages are recompiled. But that makes managing a project a bit harder to maintain.

Any way welcome to PGD
I hope your stay here would be as pleasant as possible and I'm looking forward to your games. I love playing good strategy games.