Quote Originally Posted by ivorybishop View Post
but I love the power and flexibility of compiled languages and was very happy to see that pascal still has an active community (considering its age and newer languages that are trying to hammer more nails into the coffins of the old school languages {COBOL will live forever lol})
Welcome to PGD!
While Pascal is an old language you will quickly find out that new pascal dialects like Delphi and FeePascal actually have tons of new features that you can also see in other modern languages like, Wide Strings (UniCode string support,) Advanced Reference Counting (mainly for mobile platforms in Delphi), Enumerations (for in loops) Generics, Multiple Inheritance, Inline variable declaration (newest Delphi versions) and more.
So getting back from Turbo Pascal era will require you to learn a lot of new things. But don't let this discourage you. If you loved Turbo Pascal I'm sure you will at lest like modern Pascal dialects. There still isn't a thing that you could do in other languages but could not do in modern Pascal Dialects.

By the way we also have Discord server (Athena's Pad) set up so feel free to join us there. There is more activity there as it is here on the site.