Quote Originally Posted by dj_sharp View Post
I personally don't like competitions. Always seems like a waste of time to me. Like I'm trying to prove something that I don't have to prove
Competitions are not a waste of time! Main benefits of competitions are:
1. By participating in competitions your are actually advertizing yourself. You are showing your knowledge level to others. This can be especialy benefitial if your are trying to get a job in computer industry.
2. Competitions offer you great opurtunity to test some of your ideas.
3. By participating in competition your would probably be doing something different than you are usually doing. This could provide you with a new perspective. And that new perspective may even help you get better with your primary work.

Quote Originally Posted by dj_sharp View Post
One can use Pascal to make games. Do you really want to prove it? What for? I personally don't feel like proving anything. There are games written in Pascal. What other proof one could possibly want.
It is not question wheter if it is posible to make games in pascal. It is question of it is posible to make games in pascal which are of todays standards? And we all know that game standards have changed greatly in the past few years.

Quote Originally Posted by dj_sharp View Post
There are fewer and fewer developers who use Pascal. This is a problem.
That is true. But answer me this. Is there more buisniess application developers or game developers in computer industry?
Answer is that there are more game developers in computer industry than buisniess developers. Game developers are those who drive the whole computer industry.
But if you look at pascal comunity you will realize that the above fact is not true. There are actually more buisniess pascal developers than pascal game developers. And that is sending out the message that pascal is more suited for buisniess application development which then draws away lots of potentional developers due the fact that game development is most popular.
So the main purpose of PGD is to show that pascal is as suitable for game development as it is for buisniess application development as this would atract more pepole into using pascal.

Quote Originally Posted by dj_sharp View Post
I am an experienced game developer, I probably could develop a game engine.... given infinite time.
I'm not an expirienced game develoer but given infinite time I could develop a game engine on my own. Heck given an infinite time I could develop a whole OS

Quote Originally Posted by dj_sharp View Post
What if most people stop using PC soon?
What if most people stop using Windows soon?
Haven't you noticed? Objective Pascal is no longer limited to Windows and PC platforms

Quote Originally Posted by dj_sharp View Post
What if programming skills will be no longer needed soon?
I can figure out only two posible scenarios for this to happen:
1. We somehow develop an AI which is capable of reprogramming itself. We are doomed when this happens.
2. A catastrofic event causes all electical devices to stop functioning. We are also doomed in such scenario.

Quote Originally Posted by dj_sharp View Post
Like the author of the first post said, there are already game engines. So why create another one?
Commercial game developers can use commercial game engines like Unreal Engine. Hobbyists can use hobbyists game engines including existing game engines for Pascal.
Why do big game development studios develop their own game engines and not use the existing ones?
Becouse no matter which game engine you are using there is a large posibility that sooner or later you will hit the limitation of that game engine. So if you are using some third party game engine you need to contact the original developers and ask them to help you get rid of that limitation or you have to live with that limitation.
But if you are developing the game engine on your own then you can get rid of that limitation on your own.

Quote Originally Posted by dj_sharp View Post
ACTUALLY I think that it's great idea but.... but..... at the same time it's difficult and pointless.
Being hard it doesent mean it is pointless.

As for those of you suggesting that we simply go and make headers to use most popular game engines like Unity:
While this might seem better solution in the short run it is not necessarily better solution in the log run.
As I have sad above you are limited by the functionality of that game engine. Even worse due to language differences you might be even more limited due to these language differences.
As it is with most third party libraries/components debugging can be a nightmare. You coučld encounter a bug and not know if it is cause by your code or by third party game engine. Now if you have game engine written in Objective Pascal you might convince the author to share the code with you so you can literally debug both your and engine code and thus find the bug wherever it is. But if the game engine is written in another laguage you can forget about this.
So far I haven't heard of any utility that might alow symuntaniosuly debuggin one application whose components are designed with multiple programming languages.