Carver does have a point and from the site, I can't find any documentation which places it at a disadvantage to other engines, it has no established developer-base and community around its development and use in the field (which means you get the authors perspective and that's it).

Also, in the 8 years since it's been written a lot has likely changed in the world of code - new APIs are here, new hardware and new mindsets. The PGDCE isn't just about 'yet another game engine' more than being the current game engine open to everybody that reflects the current state of software development methodologies and as such is there to demonstrate that new things can (and are) being done with pascal which aren't being done elsewhere.

If anything, it would be wonderful to have you on board with the project - seeing as you've managed to develop an engine like that is quite an accomplishment. Just think what the pascal community could achieve if everyone rallied their knowledge and skill under one banner and worked towards a common codebase? That, above all, is the goal of the PGDCE: to unify all the people in the pascal-space maintaining their own engines under one roof so that we can produce a faster, more reliable, more modern engine that is open for everyone while requiring less individual effort from everyone and less maintenance.

The problem that XKCD comic illustrates is indeed valid under the premise: that no one adopts any standard. The way I see it, it is not the fault of those making the 15th unified standard that there are standard competing in the market and causing duplication of effort. Its the short-sightedness of those working on the 14 preceding standards that despite having been superseded by a better standard (or missed the opportunity to create that better standard) and continuing their 14 standards that is the reason there are now 15 of them. If the 14 previous standards realized this and said - "hey, that new standard does 99% of what we want already along with loads of other stuff - lets just bring the 1% over from our camp" they'd win on maintenance and effort in the long run and everyone would have one ubiquitous, well supported standard.