This forum has a positive effect on me just by posting here I sometimes solve my own problems...

... and I also took a 3 hour walk in the City to clear my head.... after that just hit me...

CollisionPos is always the center of the sprite I'm checking for collision, and I must update it onMove ,...because it is constantly moving... makes sense now.
Also radius for a circle that fits into a 32x32 square is 16...that works to now.

I did the Editor, now I'm working in Lazarus IDE . I've cut back on a lot of features, last time I think I did the huge mistake of wanting to do everything at once, and dying painfully in the end.

My current goals are, scrolling map, waves of enemies coming at me , firing at enemies, enemies have different hit points some take 1 hit, some 2 or 3... my ship has 3 lifes...

I enemy ship type 1 gives 25 point , type 2 50 etc.... every 1000 points you get an extra life... game will have I hope 3-4 levels...
A nice menu...with information...I'm thinking about doing a comic style briefing before each mission, nothing to fancy...

Right now with the scrolling done, and the collision working, I have everything but the artwork...

so I'm drawing right now.

Level01 is done, going from Earth to Moon Base...
