Hi all,

Anyway after sleeping I think I'll just re-write the editor along with the game itself . The part about the TTileData . After searching a bit online , in the old Afterwarp forums , and looking for some other games
I realized they all use sprite sheets .
So I will not be adding 100 images individually for the MainMenu for example but I will add a complete SpriteSheet. I will alter my TTileData record to look like this (probably) :
 TTileData = record
   Sheet : String; // sheet name from ASDB archive (menu,level01,level02...etc)
   PatternStart :  Word;  // where my desired image starts
   PatternStop : Word; // where my desired image stops (in case it's animated)
   // AnimSpeed : Single;
I need to go to work now , but I think this might be a better idea , make the ASDB file easier to manage, and far faster to load then with my current 700 ~ individual images.
