This looks pretty nice.
I have a question. How do you pick up the stuff?

So far I have found a few bugs.
In the last level (I think it is last) with all those characters in it on certain location your character moves behind the big tree. Is this intended or a bug where tree is not placed on correct layer.
Also in same level character message boxes are also sometimes partially obscured by scene. I gues that the cause for this is again wrong layer placment.
I also belive that in certain conditions some key are not registered properly. I had big troubles jumping on ropes. Now I did peek into MapleCharacter.pas file where keyboard imput seems to be handled but the code there seems like a mess to me. Maybe if I would have taken more time I would understand it better.

Anywhay great work. If you need a bug hunter I'm always interested. Maybe I might even be prepared to give you a hand once I study the code more.