Since I apparently ran out of jokes here is a true story from where I work.

Last year the firealarm went off in this building (where over 800 people work daily) and everyone had to go outside. Which is standard procedure, which also contains the nice thing that noone ever bothers to tell you when you can go back in if it's a false alarm :roll:

Anyways, when we had been outside for a while, and as always were really disappointed that nothing burned down, we went back in just before they announced the following message on the speaker-system here:

"The Firealarm is false, please go back to work, the reason the alarm went of is that there was some smoke in the 'smokers room'"

Riiiiiight, so if I catch anyone in there with matches or a lighter, I'll be ready with my gardenhose!

The even more sad part of it all is that it happen again a few weeks ago. They never learn, do they ? :twisted:
Eriken - The Gardenhose-Salesman-Wannabe