Hello Everyone,

Got here Apshyre Sphinx (1.0) . My problem is , I created a relatively large number of images for the first level. And it takes a long time to load at first. So I decided
I do a SpriteSheet. Or Pattern as they are called in Ashpyre.

Till now I was drawing my images likes this :

BackGround[z,x,y].ImageName:= Images.Items[map.Layer[z].Lines[y+MapOffset,x].ImageIndex].Name;

What I cannot seem to figure out (google found a few resolutions posted by DracuLIN but unforunately MyCanvas.Texmap does not have the same stuff by me as by him...)
how do I access Images.Items[0].Pattern[2] for example ? (it would be to easy if I could access it like that.

Thank you.