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Thread: Get “Assertion Failure” from Tstream save to image data.

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  1. #1

    Get “Assertion Failure” from Tstream save to image data.

    Hi, long time to show my presence here....
    To many problems....

    I try to add stream image to material library in glscene 1.3 for delphi 7.
    Everything seems to work fine when i save the image to file and and add it to material library.

          strm: Tstream;
          i: integer;
          img: TImageData;
          ext: string;
          MyArchiveManager:= TGLSArchiveManager.Create(MainForm);
          MyArchiveManager.Archives.Add.Name:= 'name1';
          MyArchiveManager.Archives[0].LoadFromFile(ProgramPath + Media_Path + 'loading.zlib');
        for i:= 0 to MyArchiveManager.Archives[0].ContentList.Count - 1 do
              if (i> 0) and (i< 8) then
                  strm:= MyArchiveManager.Archives[0].GetContent('loading/' + Loading_Materials[i] + '.png');
                  InitImage(img); //Initiliazation of image Vampire Image Library
                  ext:= DetermineStreamFormat(strm); //Determine if the file has proper ext
                  if ext<> '' then
                      LoadImageFromStream(strm,img); //Load the image from stream and put in img
                      ConvertImage(img,ifA8Gray8); //convert it to gray
                      SaveImageToStream(ext,strm,img); // save the gray image to old stream again
                      //SaveImageToFile(ProgramPath + 'media\' + Loading_Materials[i] + '_grey.png',img);
                      AddMaterial(Matlib_Loading,strm,Loading_Materials[i] + '_grey',false,''); //false= not to glow the image...   // see below for the procedure
                      //AddMaterial(MatLib_Loading,ProgramPath + 'media\' + Loading_Materials[i] + '_grey.png',Loading_Materials[i] + '_grey');
                  //SysUtils.DeleteFile(ProgramPath + 'media\' + Loading_Materials[i] + '_grey.png');
                  FreeImage(img); //Free and nil img
                  FreeAndNil(strm); //Free and nil the stream...
    But when i Use the stream then i get this error "Assertion Failure".
    Something i miss here... but i can't find... what...

    The full error is.. "Assertion Failure in GLTexture.pas in line 923..
    And if i continue run the program by pressing ok in message then shows me
    the image in white box and continue without errors...

        function AddMaterial(aMatLib: TGlMaterialLibrary; aStreamName: TStream; aMaterialName: string; Glow: Boolean; GlowColor: String): TGlLibMaterial; overload;
          i: integer;
          if Glow= False then
              result := aMatLib.Materials.Add;
              with result do
                  with Material do
                      MaterialOptions := [moIgnoreFog, moNoLighting];
                      Texture.Disabled := false;
                      Texture.TextureMode:= tmModulate;
                      BlendingMode := bmTransparency;
                      with FrontProperties do
                         Ambient.SetColor(1, 1, 1, 1);
                         Diffuse.SetColor(1, 1, 1, 1);
                         Emission.SetColor(1, 1, 1, 1);
                         Specular.SetColor(1, 1, 1, 1);
                     Texture.ImageClassName := 'TGLCompositeImage';
                      aStreamName.Position:= 0;  //This is what is missing
                    Name:= aMaterialName
              result := aMatLib.Materials.Add;
              with result do
                  with Material do
                      MaterialOptions := [moIgnoreFog, moNoLighting];
                      Texture.Disabled := false;
                      Texture.TextureMode:= tmAdd;
                      BlendingMode := bmTransparency;
                      with FrontProperties do
                          Ambient.SetColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
                          if GlowColor= 'red' then
                            Diffuse.SetColor(0.255, 0, 0, 1)
                          else if GlowColor= 'pink' then
                            Diffuse.SetColor(0.255, 0, 0.255, 1)
                          else if GlowColor= 'white' then
                            Diffuse.SetColor(0.255, 0.255, 0.255, 1)
                          else if GlowColor= 'blue' then
                            Diffuse.SetColor(0, 0, 0.255, 1)
                          else if GlowColor= 'black' then
                            Diffuse.SetColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
                          else if GlowColor= 'green' then
                            Diffuse.SetColor(0.030, 0.170, 0.30, 1)
                          else if GlowColor= 'orange' then
                            Diffuse.SetColor(0.255, 0.170, 0.030, 1)
                          else if GlowColor= 'brown' then
                            Diffuse.SetColor(0.180, 0.100, 0, 1)
                          else if GlowColor= 'yellow' then
                            Diffuse.SetColor(0.255, 0.255, 0, 1)
                          else if GlowColor= 'lime' then
                            Diffuse.SetColor(0, 0.255, 0, 1)
                          else if GlowColor= 'teal' then
                            Diffuse.SetColor(0.120, 0.160, 0.140, 1)
                          else if GlowColor= 'darkgray' then
                            Diffuse.SetColor(0.100, 0.100, 0.100, 1)
                          else if GlowColor= 'lightgray' then
                            Diffuse.SetColor(0.200, 0.200, 0.200, 1);
                          Emission.SetColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
                          Specular.SetColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
                      Texture.ImageClassName := 'TGLCompositeImage';
                     aStreamName.Position:= 0; //This is what is missing    
                Name:= aMaterialName + '_gl';
    Last edited by azrael11; 10-03-2015 at 12:56 PM. Reason: SOLVED

  2. #2
    What happens if you save that picture into file from the stream itself using SaveToFile method and then loading the image from file? Do you still get the same error?

    Also does SaveImageToStream method moves the stream position to 0 before saving the data or does it just add the image to the end of the stream?

    Similar question for method AddMaterial. Does it automatically moves the stream position to 0 before reading the data?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by SilverWarior View Post
    What happens if you save that picture into file from the stream itself using SaveToFile method and then loading the image from file? Do you still get the same error?

    Also does SaveImageToStream method moves the stream position to 0 before saving the data or does it just add the image to the end of the stream?

    Similar question for method AddMaterial. Does it automatically moves the stream position to 0 before reading the data?
    The position set... i use Seek...
    The error finds in AddMaterial that doesn't move the stream position to 0

    Thank you Silver Warior... this question is SOLVED ...
    I fix the above code to show my error

    Thank you again...

  4. #4
    I'm glad I could be of help.

    Also since you are reusing existing stream it might not be a bad idea to set its size to 0 before storing the data (greyed image) in it the second time. Why?
    If the size of that data is smaller than the size of stream you might end up with new data to be stored on the beggining of the stream and some renmants of old dta at the end of the stream. And this could lead to some unpredicatable behavior of your program which would probably be hard to debug.
    Naturally this completly depends on how method that stores the data into the stream works (does it adjust the size of the stream or does not).

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by SilverWarior View Post
    I'm glad I could be of help.

    Also since you are reusing existing stream it might not be a bad idea to set its size to 0 before storing the data (greyed image) in it the second time. Why?
    If the size of that data is smaller than the size of stream you might end up with new data to be stored on the beggining of the stream and some renmants of old dta at the end of the stream. And this could lead to some unpredicatable behavior of your program which would probably be hard to debug.
    Naturally this completly depends on how method that stores the data into the stream works (does it adjust the size of the stream or does not).
    As you can see from above the stream when ends the works if free and nil completly...
    And yes it is adjust the size after you tell me about the position ...

    Thank you again...

  6. #6
    No problem. I always try to help if I can.


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