Hello guys,

i present to you my anti-gravity futuristic arcade-style racing indie game with the name "Supraleiter", which I'm developing in a team with five peoples, where I'm the lead programmer.

It's in a heavily development phase.

It's implemented fully in Object Pascal (compilable with Delphi at version 7 and up and FreePascal at version 2.6.2 and up) including own 3D game engine, own 3D HRTF stereo sound rendering engine, own 3D rigidbody physics engine, own truetype font rendering engine with hinting-bytecode support, etc.

All of the game is own 100% native Object Pascal code, only with one exception, that the framework uses SDL2 as OS-API-abstraction layer.

Supraleiter has in its current state 219745 lines of code, including our own-developed libraries, e.g. 3D graphics engine, 3D physics engine, audio engine, and so on. Supraleiter is almost free from third-party-libraries, except of SDL 2.0, which we use it as a system API abstraction layer.

So it's a not yet another Unity or Unreal anti-gravity racing game, rather it's a anti-gravity racing game, where the all code including the engine and the framework (with SDL2-backend) is own code by the developers of the game itself, so by me (95% of the code) and by my co-worker (5% of the code). This makes the game different from other indie anti-gravity racing game, which are using often third game engines and frameworks.

The team on this game has 5 members, where the most of us are also demosceners, for example I'm a farbrausch demogroup member, as you maybe know. The team members at this indie game are:

- BeRo (this is me :-), Lead programmer)
- red (Programmer for additional code)
- brainbox (2D and 3D graphics)
- h2o (mainly 2D graphics)
- wotw (music and sound)

It will be available in native 32-bit and 64-bit builds for Windows and Linux, but NOT for MacOSX, since MacOSX doesn't have support for newer OpenGL versions than 4.1, and Supraleiter needs OpenGL 4.3, because Supraleiter uses a lot of compute shaders, for to offload a lot of the work from the CPU to the GPU, and also not for mobile platforms, because it uses real time global illumination etc. technologies, which would be for mobile GPUs too much overkill. So a NVIDIA Geforce GTX660 / AMD Readon HD7850 is the playable minimum here, provided that AMD fix the bugs in their super buggy drivers, so that Supraleiter incl. the OpenGL 4.3 compute shader stuff can run stably on the AMD GPUs, otherwise it will be NVIDIA-only in the first time, until AMD have fixed your graphics drivers.

Feature list:

  • Physically based shading pipeline
  • Purely HDR rendering pipeline
  • Real Time global illumination, so no precalculated light maps etc.
  • Real Time volumetric scattering
  • Real Time sky rendering (so a real time dynamic day & night cycle is possible)
  • Mostly physically correct depth of field
  • Plausible motion blur
  • Own physics engine called Kraft ( https://github.com/BeRo1985/kraft/ ), with working continous collision detection and response, which is the preferable method for fast games to avoid tunneling (missed collisions when objects are too fast), where the base discrete physics rate can however be comparatively still low at 120 Hz.
  • The AI is neural network based, that means the AI is able to learn, but this learn-feature is currently disabled due to some performance issues during the ”neural network training” while a game is running, it will be re-enabled as soon as we find a solution for this performance problem. Possibly i can fix it by training the neural network after the game has finished and not while the game is running. In any case the AI will learn, how good it will become depends on your own driving skills. But in a nutshell, the AI is not hardcoded, but for debugging comparison purposes i added an additional hardcoded AI. Here is an additional detail information for interested people: We’re using feed-forward neural networks, so one of the simplest neural network types.
  • Support for gamepad controllers
  • Multithreaded code design (job-based)
  • and other things that I have forgotten to mention here.

And now some videos

and more on the youtube playlist at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis...Oak3nsC4UoaC4-

And at the Revision 2015 demo party was a talk about the Supraleiter rendering technologies:

and the slides as PDF http://rootserver.rosseaux.net/demos...chnologies.pdf
