Quote Originally Posted by devchenxip View Post
First chance exception at $00017D80. Exception class EAccessViolation with message 'Access violation at address 0058520B, accessing address 00000000'. Process client_mobile (38

target platform:OS X - MacOSX 10.9.5

procedure TExtensions.DecodeVersionString;
  VersionText: TExtString;
  CharPos: Integer;
  VersionText := GetGLString(GL_VERSION);  //VersionText = ''  ??

  CharPos := 1;

  FMajorVersion := StrToIntDef(ExtractNumberWord(VersionText, CharPos), 0);

  if CharPos <= Length(VersionText) then
    FMinorVersion := StrToIntDef(ExtractNumberWord(VersionText, CharPos, 1), 0);
Are you using Delphi or FPC/Lazarus? What version? Specs of OS X machine?

This issue is likely caused by using OpenGL 3.0 with Forward Compatibility profile, which deprecates old functions, including "GL_VERSION" parameter. However, to be able to investigate it, I need details asked above. Also, you can report PXL bugs directly on its Bug Tracker.