Hey, Green Onions is back.

It was long. So long that the game became unplayable in current systems (mostly Windows10) so I have to rewrite it before release (I think we'll beat Duke Nukem Forever record ).

I was working for some time porting the game to the latest MinGRo version, and I'm being very careful to not enter in a development hell as I did with the previous one. Current MinGRo has some flaws and lacks but it is quite more stable than the one I used in the first incarnation. It is being hard to resist the temptation of modify MinGRo to fix it, but I had to minimize such modifications to severe bugfixing only and document any other flaw to work on it only when game is finished.

There's still a lot of work but I must finish it this month. I can use the old one to copy code or use it as a template for the re-implementation so it isn't as hard as it was.