You can use dynamic arrays. They are declared pretty much the same as fixed-size arrays - just don't specify the size. e.g.
Var Enemies: Array of TEnemy;
Then you can use the Length() function to check the current array size and SetLength() to change the size (on program start, the size is 0). Dynamic arrays are always indexed from 0 to Length(ArrayVar)-1.
One thing that should be noted, though, is that resizing the array is quite a complicated task - the program has to find a new, contiguous memory region of required size, copy-paste all the values from the old place in memory to the new one, and then free the old memory region. As such, it's best to only change the array size when necessary (so don't call SetLength() every time you add/remove an enemy), and to do it in some larger steps - so instead of increasing the array by 1 slot when you need to add a new enemy, you increase it by, for example, 16 slots, or maybe do something like NewLength := OldLength * 1.5. This way, the next time you need to add an enemy, you don't have to resize the array again, but can use one of the empty slots you got left from the previous resize.