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Thread: Job Offer - Convert a Delphi 4 game to C/C++

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  1. #1

    Job Offer - Convert a Delphi 4 game to C/C++

    Welcome, our project is to port our older Delphi 4 code to C++/98, if your CV states you have this background, we would like you to look at the code and estimate your fee for this project. (Additionally, we would also like some help finishing our Lazarus port, but that is more of a less-paid side-project.)

    The game is very small (2MBs) and code is already on GitHub, if you feel you can do this kind of work then let us know, and you can work from anywhere as long as you meet the goals and communication is not an issue. There may be some minor documented bugs to fix in code along the way, and some more programming work afterwards if also interested. We are a small company in the US, we've hired and paid foreign programmers and graphic artists before.

    Final source code must pass reviews for clarity and commenting, and code must present all current features, it must compile on an older version of gcc to a working binary. At that point further work can be contracted to you for feature enhancements and changes to the new code you wrote for this project.

    Please download and review the original code at our public GitHub repository ( or directly from our forum download ( and let us know any questions you have on this endeavor, thank you.

    Please either PM me for my email address, or visit the C-evo Forum here:
    Cor'e =)
    Last edited by Core; 19-02-2016 at 04:58 PM.

  2. #2
    PGD Staff / News Reporter phibermon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    I'm potentially interested - I'm well versed in game engines across a spectrum from 2D systems to 3D and I'm just as good with C++ as I am with Object Pascal (and to a lesser but still production capable level - C#) - I've worked in commercial software development for quite a few years and can adhere to any coding style and testing integration you specify.

    If you could message me on here and give me some more details - API's involved, game/engine paradigms involved, target platforms then we can talk price and see if we're both on the same page
    Last edited by phibermon; 03-01-2016 at 02:22 PM.
    When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie - that's an extinction level impact event.

  3. #3
    Updated original post... Reserving this post for later.
    Last edited by Core; 19-02-2016 at 05:00 PM.

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