Quote Originally Posted by eugeneloza View Post
Well, at the moment I've already have 2 sets of keys assigned: up-down-left-right for movement, WASD for firing. In case of splitting the keyboard for two players I'll have to use <WASD>+<TFGH> for one player and <IJKL>(maybe <)PL;'> )+<cursor> for another... seems very short on physical space at the keyboard
Well if I would have tried your game I might have known that you have 8 keys per players which makes things a bit more difficult. But still it is possible to have two players using the keyboard at the same time.
For player one you can use WASD + IJKL or perhaps UHJK.
And for second player you can use Arrow keys plus numbers from numerical part of the keyboard (does require full sized keyboard).
I also wanted to suggest you to add game controller support but taking a quick look at Castle game Engine documentation I haven't seen any information for CGE to even have any controller support.

Quote Originally Posted by eugeneloza View Post
At this point I'm using the simplest approach to adaptive music - I just calculate EnemyPower (each bot type "worth" something) and selects next track based on this value (music context varying in easy-normal-hard-boss). However, the next track might come in 5 more minutes I'll need to understand how TMusicPlayer works for at least to adjust volume or cross-fade them.
This is almost the same approach that is used by Dune 2. So all you have to do is find shorter songs so you can switch between them more easily or mix them up using different channels.