1) If is class creation and destruction slow - during game loop it's no win. In case that you need some pre-generated data like tilemap, so you can wait xxx ms with classes or have it done until 1 ms with simple array of records.
2) If you mean access to list of entities by some ID so it depends if you need go through the list or how it's done.
And somehow I doubt that you can get the result faster by using classes.
3) That's problem, maybe it can be fixed through better/different implementation. With classes don't forget 1)
4) In my test are no random numbers in the loop

Everyone can use for game whatever he want, I'm happy with lists of pointers to records for my entities.
Classes are generating much bigger CPU load (FPC) and so far I have not found any benefits in performance especially if there are thousands of "objects"/game entities there.