Stock Lazarus does nearly everything I need - anything else I want I just add myself. I've customised its single window layout and coded some extras specific to my framework/engine for quick templating and prototyping - you may say it means Lazarus is incomplete but for me the ability to customise my IDE at the lowest of levels is exactly why Lazarus is the best for me - it's future proof, I don't have to rely on anybody maintaining it or worry about the project dying - I've got the source code - I'll die before it does.

There's loads of fantastic editors and IDEs out there and everybody has their own preferences - Netbeans tends to be my favourite for web development and C++ for example while I switch to the very similar Eclipse for Java.

Can't stand Visual Studio - it's a propitiatory lumbering mess of an IDE in my opinion and Microsofts habit of locking new versions to the latest editions of windows is utterly infuriating, not to mention its heavy integration with their propitiatory APIs and complete lack of effort to cater for cross platform devs - if Microsoft are disappointed with the low pace of windows phone development for example they've only got themselves to blame. Don't get me started on their perversions of XML (XAML I'm looking at you) - it's abstraction soup with a single implementation - jumping through utterly redundant hoops all day just because somebody naively thought it might get adopted in other ecosystems.

Basing your development future on a Microsoft product is like basing an economy on oil - one day you'll realise you're screwed and you'll have to invade the middle east or collapse like a sky scraper - or something.