
If you are experiencing performance issues with Pascal, I would suggest that the problem is perhaps yours and not the language. Achieving maximum performance takes skill in the form of a thorough understanding of what's slow, what's fast and what's going on when your code is actually executed. It also requires patience. I spent 12 months optimising the server for my first publicly released game and it showed because performance wise it blew away a lot of the competition and included the capability to scale to handle lots of users. I learned a lot doing it and have since applied that learning to more commercial products for some past employers and I have frequently been able to beat 'the best tools for the job' using Delphi.

Engines are ultimately written for a purpose. I'm in the process of starting a new game development project. Am I going to use an engine that already exists? No, because the ones that are out there won't do what I want in the way I want them to so I'm planning on rolling my own. There is one engine out there that would do what I want, but the chances of me getting my hands on it are nil! If it takes me a couple of years, so be it, if it takes me longer, again so be it. Along the way, I'll learn some neat stuff, have fun and be a better developer at the end of it.

Now my original post was driven by some of the posts before it are simply rubbishing our attempts to try and create something for the community. Part of the problem with a lot of the frameworks that exist currently is that they are written by one person! Life gets in the way and the project dies a death and then people complain. Well here's a radical idea... you want to know why good shit exists for other languages Because lots of people come together to work on them! It's that simple! One of the key problems this site has experienced through out it's life is this unwillingness of the community to get in there and help out and give back. Now if you've volunteered your services in response to some of my rantings on this subject, thank you it is much appreciated... I know I have one article to review that I've just been a bit busy to get around to (and if you think this is a cop out, screw you, I'm busy trying to build a business from the ground up in an area where I have no commercial contacts or pre-existing customers and it's hard going).

Maybe, just maybe, if the community had volunteered to help some of these earlier projects they wouldn't have died a death. Maybe, just maybe.

I keep banging on about this, and I'm going to continue until either everyone that does this leaves or people stop complaining about what exists for this language. The reason it doesn't exist is because people don't give up their time for the benefit of others and those that do are normally called out because 'this is wrong with the engine', 'the documentation sucks', 'there's no examples'. If you're that kind of person, keep your negative comments to yourself about the endeavours of people who have genuinely tried to help this community by trying to bring tools to it that enable the vast majority to do what this site is about... make games.

My original post was a far more personal attack and I'm sorry about that but the last few posts pushed me over the edge.

Pascal is an amazing language and simply lacks the community support that exists for other languages. You want more for the language you (we) need to do more, to create more, to share more.