New features added since last post:
- Further refined the highscore code
- Local and remote database support (local=SQLite3, remote=MySQL, unified as Database and DatabaseTable objecgts)
- Polygon object
- Polypoint auto-trace (can trace a sprite and apply a polygon around it. This will be used for fast polypoint collision detection)
- Sprite object (can be organized as pages (texture) and images can be defined in grid or rect format)
- FrameSpeed can be use to implement multiple timers in your project. For example you have the simulation running at 30 fps, but you want your sprite animation to update at 15 fps, you can do:
if FrameSpeed(mytimer, 15) then
- FastText can now define a range of glyphs. For example 32-127, 'tm', '(c)' are automatically defined by default. Since the unicode range is HUGE i'm using a sparse array to manage the glyphs range. It's very efficient.

Planned features to come:
- Entity object (instance of a sprite, has position, can do collision, etc)
- Actor object (instance of an entity, can live on a scene object in the game world, etc)
- State machine for actors
- More...