Honestly my original point was kind of an oversimplification. I basically meant "why isn't QueryPerformanceCounter implemented as an alias for a specific use of GetTimeOfDay that returns identical output to the Windows QueryPerformanceCounter on non-windows FPC platforms?" Also there's more to it than that, I suppose... a larger problem is that there's not really any easy way that I'm aware of to load specific sets of OpenGL extensions for non-windows platforms. (As in, everything up to and including OpenGL 3.3.) Obviously dglOpenGL will load EVERYTHING when you call InitOpenGL and ReadExtensions (on Windows), but for Linux it seems to be tied to the ancient GLX API, and for OSX I'm not sure it has support for modern functionality at all. So I just stuck to FPCs GL and GLEXT units. Again though, without trying to sound like an asshole, it's not my problem that Linux and OSX have significantly less user-friendly/robust OpenGL initialization APIs. Missing functionality is missing functionality. ​It's not something to be catered to.