Sad to learn about that OpenGL guy. Nice you made a post about him.

Raspberry Pi is an interesting target for one man hobby programmers (like me). Limited hardware but out of necessity one man projects tend to be simpler and demanding less from the system. At least for those of us who dabble on less ambitious projects.

I managed to buy a Raspberry Pi 4 this winter and installed the new PiOS. Turns out it is possible to install the Lazarus on PiOS but I must be doing something wrong because I get tons of warnings. From what I read elsewhere the installation of Lazarus really is tricky. Still I managed to compile and run one simple game (the Grayout) on Raspberry but I've not made that one downloadable. For some reason Raspberry-Lazarus doesn't accept the code from my current Linux/WIndows project.

Have you happend to install Lazarus on Raspberry? Do you run other pascal software?