I've basically finished porting my engine (not ready for "your projects" yet) to RPi2.
I only ever used Raspbian with this tiny wonder.

In the process I had to learn using a proprietary driver API, converting its headers from C by hand Otherwise there was no hardware acceleration.

Did anyone else have such problems while doing 3d graphics on RPi using pascal?
Could it be easier with other OSes ?

By proprietary API I mean libbcm_host.so and all related Yog-sothothery:

  procedure TBroadcomHack.InitEGL(var eDisplay: EGLDisplay;
    var eConfig: EGLConfig;  var eSurface: EGLSurface; var eContext: EGLContext;
    var assumedpfd: TAssumedPFD);
    hr: integer;
    num_config: EGLint;
    Attr: array[0..10] of EGLint = (
      EGL_RED_SIZE, 8,
      EGL_GREEN_SIZE, 8,
      EGL_BLUE_SIZE, 8,
      EGL_ALPHA_SIZE, 8,
    CtxAttr:array[0..3] of EGLint = (
    dispman_alpha: VC_DISPMANX_ALPHA_T;
    scale: float;
    w, h: longint;
      if Mother^.Debug.Verbose then AddLog('    ..Raspberry Pi detected, creating a Broadcom specific surface...');

 // Tested on RPi2, got glitches and flickering at sizes close to 1920 x 1080
 //  - presumably, buffers too large to fit in RAM or something
 // Have to limit.
 // P.S. Changed to making the hardware surface smaller, it got hardware scaling!
      w:= min(VIRTUAL_RES_WIDTH, Mother^.Display.WindowClientRect.Width);
      h:= min(VIRTUAL_RES_HEIGHT_MAX, Mother^.Display.WindowClientRect.Height);
      scale:= min(w / Mother^.Display.WindowClientRect.Width, h / Mother^.Display.WindowClientRect.Height);

        if Mother^.Debug.Verbose then AddLog('    ..Surface rect calculated as %0',[RectToStr(myrect)]);

      Mother^.Display.ClientRect.Width:= trunc(scale * myrect.width);
      Mother^.Display.ClientRect.Height:= trunc(scale * myrect.height);

        if Mother^.Debug.Verbose then
           AddLog('    .. Hardware surface size %0x%1 (scale %2)',
             [Mother^.Display.ClientRect.Width, Mother^.Display.ClientRect.Height, scale]);

      dst_rect.x:= myrect.left;
      dst_rect.y:= myrect.top;
      dst_rect.width:= myrect.width;
      dst_rect.height:= myrect.height;

      src_rect.x:= 0;
      src_rect.y:= 0;
      src_rect.width:= Mother^.Display.ClientRect.Width shl 16;
      src_rect.height:= Mother^.Display.ClientRect.Height shl 16;

      dispman_alpha.flags:= DISPMANX_FLAGS_ALPHA_FIXED_ALL_PIXELS;
      dispman_alpha.opacity:= $FF;
      dispman_alpha.mask:= 0;

      dx_dispman_update:= vc_dispmanx_update_start( 0 );

      dx_dispman_element:= vc_dispmanx_element_add (
          dx_dispman_update, dx_display_handle,
          0{layer}, @dst_rect, 0{src}, @src_rect,
          nil{clamp}, 0{transform}

      f_nativewindow.element:= dx_dispman_element;
      f_nativewindow.width:= myrect.width;
      f_nativewindow.height:= myrect.height;

      vc_dispmanx_update_submit_sync( dx_dispman_update );

      f_has_surface:= true;

      // get an EGL display connection
      eDisplay:= eglGetDisplay(EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY);
      if eDisplay = EGL_NO_DISPLAY
        then Die('eglGetDisplay() returned EGL_NO_DISPLAY');
      if Mother^.Debug.Verbose
        then AddLog('  ..display %0',[eDisplay]);

      // initialize the EGL display connection
      if 0 = eglInitialize( eDisplay, @f_vmajo, @f_vmino )
        then Die('eglInitialize() failed: ' + EGlErrorCodeToString(eglGetError()));
        if Mother^.Debug.Verbose
          then AddLog('  ..EGL version %0.%1',[f_vmajo, f_vmino]);

      // get an appropriate EGL frame buffer configuration
      if 0 = eglGetConfigs(eDisplay, nil, 0, @num_config)
        then Die('eglGetConfigs() faled');
      if Mother^.Debug.Verbose
        then AddLog('  ..#EGL configs %0',[num_config]);
      hr:= eglChooseConfig(eDisplay, @Attr[0], @eConfig, 1, @num_config);
      if (EGL_FALSE = hr) or (num_config <> 1)
        then Die('eglChooseConfig() faled');

      assumedpfd.r:= Attr[1];
      assumedpfd.g:= Attr[3];
      assumedpfd.b:= Attr[5];
      assumedpfd.a:= Attr[7];
      assumedpfd.depth:= 0;
      assumedpfd.rect:= myrect;
      assumedpfd.rect.width:= Mother^.Display.ClientRect.Width;
      assumedpfd.rect.height:= Mother^.Display.ClientRect.Height;

      // create an EGL rendering context
      eContext:= eglCreateContext(eDisplay, eConfig, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, @CtxAttr[0]);
      if eContext = EGL_NO_CONTEXT
        then Die('eglCreateContext() returned EGL_NO_CONTEXT');
        if Mother^.Debug.Verbose then AddLog('    ..context %0',[eContext]);

      // create an EGL window surface
      eSurface:= eglCreateWindowSurface(eDisplay, eConfig,
        ptruint(@f_nativewindow), //Dirty! native window type boils to TXID,
        //but that's just a fance name for ptruint (see culong)
        //So yes, X handles are opaque pointers too.
        if eSurface = EGL_NO_SURFACE then Die(MI_ERROR_CANTINITOPENGL,['eglCreateWindowSurface() returned EGL_NO_SURFACE']);
        if Mother^.Debug.Verbose then AddLog('    ..surface %0',[eSurface]);

      if 0 = eglGetConfigs(eDisplay, nil, 0, @num_config)
        then Die(EGlErrorCodeToString(eglGetError()));

        'Не удалось поставить VideoCore костыль для специфичной EGL от Broadcom',
        'Failed to start the VideoCore hack for the peculiar Broadcom EGL'