Quote Originally Posted by Chebmaster View Post
You are wrong.
I was not talking about "below 3.3". I was talking about "certain techniques below 2".
Sure, let's pretend you didn't see the link I've posted, or let's pretend that Mark J. Kilgard, the principal engineer in Nvidia responsible of OpenGL driver development, is also wrong - you surely know better, don't you?

Quote Originally Posted by Chebmaster View Post
I performed benchmarking myself and I found that glBegin-style code begins to lag at about 20 000 vertices. That's how badly "left to rot" it is. That's how inefficiently it is emulated.
I would like to see these benchmarks. On most desktop hardware we've done testing happens actually the opposite - glBegin/glEnd is close to performance to glDrawArrays with system pointers (similar to DrawPrimitiveUP in D3D9). When using OpenGL 4.5 features, including DSA, glMapNamedBufferRange (or glNamedBufferSubData) with immutable storage and GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT, supplying vertex data for streaming each frame, it is difficult to get close to performance of the "legacy features" - in fact, we could only achieve better performance by using multiple buffers of gradually increasing sizes and other things like circular buffers with GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT and otherwise AZDO-like features.

So sure, this is very much legacy, but as long as it is supported and works, if you don't want to learn shaders or any third-party libraries, this is the quickiest way to render something in 3D. Pencil and paper are also very ancient and you can argue that with your new shiny iPad you never need to learn how to hand-write anymore, just until you drop the damn thing on a hard floor or your batteries run out...