Argh. [headdesk] Argh.
Corrected google's translation by hand. In so many places it raises questions: why even bother using it. It's much better than 10 years ago but there are still so many things it fails to understand and convey.
Whom am I kidding. Correcting is so much easier than translating 100% by myself.

Reproducibility is important for me, since my multiplayer model will be an evolved lockstep:
TLayerRole = (
    lro_Bottom, {
      In multiplayer, runs at -500ms using perfect inputs finalized by the server.
      This is also the only layer that can be serialized. }
    lro_DeepUpwell, {
      Propagates changes from the bottom to the thermocline, thus lazily correcting for late inputs }
    lro_Thermocline, {
      Holds steady at -150ms, assuming most inputs arrive *above* it }
    lro_FastSurfacing, {
      Bubbles the changes from the thermocline to the surface thus doing the bulk of lag compensation }
    lro_PresentSurface {
      Runs on local player inputs }
As always, lots of stuff distracting me (mainly work at work) leaving me no time to move the project further. Frustrating.