Cheb's Game Engine is that eternally worked on thing that never releases its next build.

Today, seeing the compilation process complete, I roared like a bear overcoming horrible constipation: I spent a full year refactoring my code. A full year!


A debugging hell lies ahead of me but all I could feel is relief. Finally!

The previous build was released at December 17, 2016 (please don't go looking at it: I am horribly ashamed of that mess by some mistake called my sources).

The last year I looked at Fidel Castro's example and gave a vow to never shave or trim my beard until my engine goes past the rotating cube stage. I am now forced to resort to dirty life hacks like putting my t-shirt over my beard so that it stays stuffed down my collar to look presentable ...

My track record of making side trips, each holding me back for a year or two:
2007: Linux support
2009: Migrating from OpenGL ~1.4 to OpenGL 2.1 (later GL ES 2)
2010: Tired of never getting anywhere, almost abandoned the project
2013: Changing architecture to multi-threaded for multi-core CPU support
2015: x86-64 support (still not finished, dammit, requires FPC 3.2 released to continue)
2016: Raspberry Pi support
2018: Epic refactoring of my horribly dated ODBMS I created back in 2006