I did try it with what i assumed were fltf 2.0 sample files from their github repository, i did a checkout of https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF...ree/master/2.0 this time, updated my repo again, recompiled it in lazarus and it loads the models fine - no issues whatsoever! it works great - no complaints - the project is really amazing.

What i was thinking regarding animations is mostly that most of games need some kind of "animation mixer", people who are like me that are 3d-art-impaired and not capable of creating animations we need to get creative on how we get and combine animations.

I'll follow the suggestion to build up on this template, i hope to have more successes to post here

You did something really amazing for us in pascal gamedev community with gltf project, i hope you know that, and althru there's very few of us, we really appreciate this.