So I've found *yet another* chunk of assembly code I botched porting from i386 to x86_64. Which compiles and works in 64-bit compatibility mode (all addresses limited to the lower 4Gb) that is only only generated using fpc 2.6.4 when you set debugging info to stabs) but trashes memory happily in true 64-bit addressing mode (because, as I was informed, most of MOV variations silently clip the address to its lower 32 bits unless the register you move to/from memory is RAX/EAX).
Namely, instead of
        mov rax, [pes]
        mov rbx, rax
        mov rax, qword[rbx + TMotherSEHState.tlitsc]
        mov rcx, rax
        xor rax, rax
        shl rdx, 32
        or rax, rdx
        mov qword[rbx + TMotherSEHState.tlitsc], rax;
        sub rax, rcx
        mov rdx, rax
        xor rax, rax
        mov eax, dword[rbx + TMotherSEHState.tlic]
        mov ecx, eax
        mov rax, rdx
        add qword[rbx + rcx * 8 + TMotherSEHState.tli], rax
      end ['rax', 'rcx', 'rdx', 'rbx'];
I had this heresy:
            mov rbx, [pes]
            mov rcx, qword[rbx + TMotherSEHState.tlitsc]
            mov eax, 0
            mov dword[rbx + TMotherSEHState.tlitsc], eax;
            mov dword[rbx + 4 + TMotherSEHState.tlitsc], edx;
            shl rdx, 32
            add rdx, rax
            sub rdx, rcx
            xor rcx, rcx
            mov ecx, dword[rbx + TMotherSEHState.tlic]
            add qword[rbx + rcx * 8 + TMotherSEHState.tli], rdx
          end ['rax', 'rcx', 'rdx', 'rbx'];
I hope this compiles and works when my project compiles again.